Selected quotes about students:
“The students [have] done more than what we expected and it was impressive to work with them. We appreciate their courage to counter propose a much more feasible plan to [our original one]……their wholehearted participation was really amazing.”
– Ryan Choi, Hong Kong TransLingual Services, 2015 social venture partner
“The students were an amazing resource. Having some “fresh” minds with different backgrounds and skills working with you and bringing other perspectives is unbelievably valuable!”
– Shirin Staerkle, Twopresents, 2015 social venture partner
Selected quotes by students:
“I really liked learning about the UBS handbook. It provided me with an overall framework to build any social venture and I feel it will be something that I refer to in the future.”
– Angus Perry, MBA student of the HKUST Spring 2018 class
“The course was interesting, and I engaged in all the discussions.”
– Tang Yifei, MBA student of the CUHK Fall 2017 class
“Our team is great! The guest speakers are awesome!“
– Winnie Mak, MPhil in ESPM of the HKUST Fall 2017 class
“I really enjoyed the courses’ coverage of issues related to reaching the bottom of the pyramid.”
– Philip Stevenson, MBA student of the HKUST Fall 2016 class
“This is the best course I’ve taken in my entire MBA!“
– Virginia Wu, MBA student of the HKUST Fall 2015 class
“I always wanted to take a social venture class at my home school so as an exchange student, I just decided to do it at HKUST instead. Crafting the class around an actual competition raises the stakes to learn and perform so this was an added bonus to taking the course. I learned a ton from this experience, including fundamentals of teamwork and client consulting, but most importantly I learned a lot about my own strengths. Wouldn’t change a thing about my experience; several lessons learned!
– Nikole Thomas, MBA exchange student of the HKUST Fall 2015 class
“The class went far beyond my expectations, teaching not only conceptual and practical information, but also providing the opportunity to apply that knowledge (which is where the real learning begins). This is THE class for social entrepreneurship. Put the time into this class and you’ll be sufficiently rewarded. The sky really is the limit here.”
– Lucas Gaylord, undergraduate student of the HKUST Fall 2015 class
“The class was an eye-opening learning experience. An excellent chance to gain firsthand exposure to social entrepreneurship and learn about the diverse spectrum of venture philanthropy. This experience will remain as a guiding light in my future career.“
– Sunny Um, MBA student of the HKUST Spring 2015 class