• Social mission

FOOD-CO works with like-minded partners to solicit resources for poverty alleviation. We cultivate a culture of save and share, with an aim to reducing food waste and creating a better living environment.


  • Business model

Our strategy and operating model focus on the achievement of the ultimate goal of this engagement while delivering the four specific outcome objectives in measurable terms. We add value through enhancing delivery capability and providing capacity service and best practice (on the ground) knowledge to our partner agencies and other existing players. We help balance and utilize community and business resources through collaboration with our networks of corporate and individual donors and leveraging our engagement platform to reach all other like-minded partners. We establish wider cross-sector participation and collaboration through on the ground working relationships with existing players, mind-changing advocacy and promotion campaign to the public and strategic and policy communication with key stakeholders of the food support service.


  • Founding Team

In order to expedite the implementation of the project, a project start-up program management team consists of all work-streams will kick-start the project. The start-up will be supported by an internal team from SJS. Information design and implementation will be overseen and managed by a dedicated IT team consist of both resources from SJS and TalkBox. The dedicated marketing team will be formed by SJS and CoDesign in designing the marketing plan to arouse public awareness.


  • Social Impact

There are over 1,234,000 tons of food surplus is wasted every year, but around 970,000 Hong Kong People live below the poverty line every day. FOOD-CO aims at reducing food waste and creating a better living environment. After FOOD-CO launches for a year, the number of food support service points registered on FOOD-CO has increased from 161 prior to service commencement to 221, while more than 330 corporates and organizations offer support through food donations. FOOD-CO has received close to 200 tonnes of food of a total value of approximately HK$20 million and provided nearly 2.6 million sets of meals in total.


  • Proposed project with students

-Exploring a business model for FOOD-CO to sustain.

-Enhancing the logistic procedure to complete the entire food donation process.

-Finding the source of the food waste and developing the mechanism to reduce waste at source.