ASKI Global


ASKI Global is a global center that assists foreign workers and local underserved communities to make their overseas work and stay become more meaningful and productive through Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy Programs. The focus of the capacity building program is to promote economic empowerment through provision of an enabling environment for micro and small enterprise development. ASKI Global plans to bring positive changes in mindset and behavior, accelerate savings and investment of the target project beneficiaries.

The training courses provided by ASKI Global have been enhanced to suit the needs and capabilities of the communities we serve. The learning methodologies employed in the training include the use of highly interactive learning materials (videos and case studies), utilizing the case methodology and modular approach. This is a new model of financial inclusion and transformation where participants will be directly coached, trained and mentored in the areas of value formation, business development and social leadership.


The organization’s main revenue source comes from grants provided by financial institutions in the Philippines. Training programs on Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy programs for low-income migrant workers in Hong Kong are currently being funded by the Bank of the Philippines (BPI) Foundation.

A small amount of revenue comes from registration fees for the implementation of the training and education programmes.


Howard Ling (HK), Herman To (HK), Albert Chu-Ying Teo (Singapore), Rolando B. Victoria (Philippines) and Irma L. Cosico (Singapore and Philippines)


Having an outstanding track record in creating significant impact and assisting underserved sectors in Singapore, where the program was launched in 2010, ASKI Global has trained over 7,000 participants coming from such countries as the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.

As a newly registered social enterprise in Hong Kong, the organization intends to adopt similar bottom lines:

  1. Financial Empowerment (Wealth Creation) – Documented change in mindset and financial behaviour. Opening of savings accounts or increase in level of savings; Accessing financial products and services from formal institutions; Developed habits of financial responsibility & competence; Investing in financial instruments
  2. Job Generation – setting up & maintaining a family enterprise guided by a structured Financial Plan
  3. Achieve Self-Sustainability and Develop a Strong Sense of Dignity and Inclusivity – Progressive communities become active contributors to a Progressive HK society

ASKI Global has been awarded the Asia CEO Outstanding Overseas Filipino Workers Organization in 2015.


An educational program shall be designed and implemented by ASKI Global Limited (Q1 of 2017) to help underserved Ethnic Minorities (EMs) build assets through enterprise development. The focus of the capacity building program is to promote economic empowerment of EMs through provision of an enabling environment of SME development. We plan to bring positive change in mindset and better financial savings and investment behavior of participants.

The combined program on financial management and entrepreneurship will expose EMs to a multi-cultural setting and learning experience through personal sharing and understanding among entrepreneurial migrant workers and local Hong Kong business owners with the end of goal of developing family enterprises where EMs will become more economically active and supportive of each other. ASKI Global will target Ethnic Minority groups in Hong Kong specifically the out-of-school youth, unemployed, housewives and new immigrants. Some challenges faced by these groups are unemployment due to low educational level, low level of work qualifications and lack of access to economic opportunities and financial services.

A unique feature and approach of particular potency is peer-mediated learning. Collaborative, peer-mediated, learning activities help promote deep learning approaches and foster communities of practice in learning. Students generally flourish in collaborative learning settings. ASKI Global describes the development of peer-mediated learning through student-focused and student-led learning as Shadow Learning.

Students who take part in the program will assist in the following areas:

  1. Module and Training Materials Development and Enhancement
  2. Marketing Strategy – Partnership building with social enterprises assisting EM communities & identification of possible On the Job Training placements for EMs (training ground before they start their enterprises)
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project Impact using the SROI (Social Return on Investment) tool or other appropriate metric